Crystalline Energy For Boosting The Immune System

Crystals are powerful healing tools that can be used to strengthen the immune system. Their energy fields have been shown to increase cellular activity and boost the production of white blood cells. 

This can help fight off disease and infection, but it also means that crystals often have a role in supporting those who suffer from chronic health conditions like arthritis or fibromyalgia or for people undergoing chemotherapy treatment for cancer.

Crystals are believed to carry and amplify energy, and different types of crystals are associated with different physical and emotional healing properties.
To keep your crystals working at their best, it’s important to care for them properly.
There are many different crystals that are believed to promote immune health and wellness.
Always consult with your healthcare provider before making any changes to your healthcare routine, and use crystals as a complementary form of therapy or support, rather than a primary treatment method.
There are many ways to use crystals for immune support, depending on your preferences and lifestyle.


Amethyst is a purple variety of quartz, colored by trace amounts of ferric iron. Amethyst is the birthstone for February.

Amethyst is used as an antidote against drunkenness and addiction. It’s also used to treat insomnia and depression, as well as liver problems. 

In addition to being used as an antioxidant, it has been shown to protect against radiation damage within the body – which makes it ideal for those who are often around electronics such as cell phones or computers (or if you live near Chernobyl).

“Are you interested in exploring the powerful healing properties of crystals but don’t know where to start? Our beginner’s guide to healing with crystals is the perfect introduction to this ancient practice. Discover the history and benefits of crystal healing, and how you can incorporate it into your own wellness routine.”


Chrysocolla is a stone of transformation. If you are looking to make changes in your life, this crystal can help you do that. It will help you to transform your life and to move forward in a positive way.

Chrysocolla can also help release negative emotions such as anger, fear and guilt.

4 Essentials That Will Help You Protect Your Health

Clear Quartz

Clear Quartz crystals are a great tool for clearing, cleansing and protecting. They can also be used to help stimulate the immune system as well as heal physical wounds and diseases. 

They have also been known to help heal emotional wounds and illnesses by opening up the heart chakra, bringing more love into your life.

Clear Quartz has a strong ability to amplify energy and thought patterns, making it easy for you to focus on your goals or visualize what you want in life without any distractions. 

It is a great crystal for meditation because it brings clarity of mind, allowing you to relax while still having a clear mind that is focused on what’s important at this moment in time!

“Looking to embark on a journey of spiritual awakening? Crystalline healing can be a powerful tool in developing your spirituality. Learn how crystals can help you connect with your higher self and tap into your inner wisdom.”


Hematite is a powerful grounding stone, and it can help to ground the body during meditation or other spiritual work. 

Hematite also helps you to focus on your goals, so if you want to stay focused while doing something that has a lot of distractions around you, this could be the crystal for you. It’s an excellent stone for protection from negative energy because it deflects unwanted energy back where it came from.

Hematite is a great tool for clearing away negative energy from your home or office space as well as yourself. It has been used by shamans for centuries for cleansing ritual tools after use in ceremonial rituals because of its purifying properties. 

The ancient Egyptians believed hematite could absorb blood during surgery; this belief led them to fashion amulets out of hematite worn around their necks which were thought to protect against snake venom!


Larimar is a rare blue variety of pectolite found only in the Dominican Republic in the Caribbean. It is also called “Stefilia’s Stone” because it is said to bring peace and harmony to the wearer. The name Larimar comes from the Spanish words for “lake” and “sea”, which refer to its color and appearance as well as its location.

Larimar has a unique color that ranges from light blue to greenish blue, with white veins running through it (similar to an opal). 

The stone is often polished into gemstones or carved into beads, figurines, statuettes and other decorative items. It’s considered valuable by those who believe that Larimar protects against negative energies while bringing positive ones instead and can be used for healing purposes when worn around the neck or held between two hands during meditation sessions


Moonstone is a stone of the intuitive and psychic, but it also has a strong connection to the physical body. It is a stone of inner growth and strength, allowing one to understand the inner self and to find balance between the spiritual and physical planes.

Moonstone balances yin-yang energies, which makes it helpful for any type of imbalance in your life or health. If you’re feeling ungrounded or disconnected from yourself, moonstone will help you feel more at home within yourself and therefore more connected with others as well. 

A great stone for those starting out on their spiritual journey, moonstone helps one feel comfortable with new ideas that may seem strange at first glance but which hold important lessons about life if we are willing to listen with an open mind.

“Do you struggle with maintaining balance in your chakras? Explore the unique properties of rose quartz and how this crystal can help you achieve physical, emotional, and spiritual harmony. Discover the many benefits of chakra balancing and start feeling restored today.”


Obsidian is a form of volcanic glass, which means it’s made from lava that cooled rapidly.

Obsidian is believed to be a grounding stone, meaning it can help keep your energy grounded and centred. It’s also thought to provide protection from evil spirits and negative energies, which is why it’s often used in protective or defensive talismans.

This stone promotes mental clarity and assists with the release of fear or anxiety. Obsidian has been called the “psychic vacuum cleaner” as it absorbs any negativity in your environment  including psychic attacks  so you don’t have to deal with them yourself!

The intense energy of obsidian can help with physical and emotional healing by stimulating the immune system and speeding up cell regeneration; there are even studies that suggest green obsidian stimulates brain activity by increasing blood flow and oxygenation

Rose Quartz

Rose quartz is a pink variety of quartz. It’s known as the stone of unconditional love and the heart chakra, which is associated with universal love, healing, compassion, self-love and more. Rose Quartz is also known for its ability to balance emotions and remove negativity.


Sardonyx is a stone of protection, especially in the workplace. It is also a stone of balance, helping you to see both sides of an issue clearly. 

It is a stone of harmony, bringing together all aspects of your life and helping you to achieve balance in all areas – home, family and work.

“In today’s fast-paced world, mindfulness has become an essential tool for managing stress and finding inner peace. Learn how to enhance your own mindfulness practice with the power of crystals in our guide, The Power of Crystals for Enhancing Mindfulness. Discover the many ways in which crystals can amplify your intentions and bring clarity to your daily life.”

Smoky Quartz

Smoky Quartz is a grounding stone that can help you stay connected to the earth. It is a stone of protection, grounding and centering.

It is also called Smoky Lava Rock, which is a member of the quartz family.

Tiger’s Eye

Tiger’s Eye is a stone of protection. It will help you to be more grounded and focused in your actions. It can help you to be more confident and assertive. It is a stone that helps you to be more patient and tolerant.

Tiger’s Eye also helps with the digestive system, so if you are having any issues with digestion, then this crystal could be helpful for you. 

For example, it could help reduce bloating or constipation which may improve overall healthiness of the body.

This stone can also aid in mental clarity as well as reduce stress levels by providing balance between mind, body and spirit through grounding vibrations that promote tranquility while increasing self-confidence


Turquoise is a stone of communication. It’s also a stone of prosperity, peace, protection and friendship. Turquoise is also a stone of balance and helps to bring mental clarity to its wearer.

“Are you looking to manifest positive changes in your life? Crystalline healing can be a powerful tool for tapping into your higher self and bringing your goals and desires into reality. Learn how to harness the unique energy of different crystals to amplify your intentions and manifest your best life.”


With so many crystals to choose from, it’s easy to find the right one to fit your needs. You can also try mixing them together for even more health benefits! Just remember that you shouldn’t take any of these stones internally unless you have been prescribed them by a doctor.

Further Reading

If you’re interested in learning more about the healing properties of crystals and how they can support a healthy immune system, check out these resources:

Immune-Boosting Crystals from Djuna Jewellery: Discover which crystals are thought to help boost the immune system, and how to incorporate them into your daily routine.

9 crystals that can turn your home into an immune sanctuary from The Times of India: Learn which crystals are believed to promote health and wellness, and how to use them to create a peaceful and supportive environment in your home.

Healing Crystals Boosting Immunity from Eastrohelp: Discover how different crystals can enhance the immune system and help your body fight illnesses, and learn techniques for incorporating crystals into meditation and energy healing practices.


What are the benefits of using crystals for immune support?

Crystals are believed to carry and amplify energy, and different types of crystals are associated with different physical and emotional healing properties. Some crystals are thought to help strengthen the immune system, by promoting healthy energy flow throughout the body and supporting overall balance and wellness.

How can I incorporate crystals into my daily routine for immune support?

There are many ways to use crystals for immune support, depending on your preferences and lifestyle. Some people find that carrying a small crystal in their pocket or wearing one as jewelry helps them stay grounded and connected to the healing energy of the earth. Others use crystals in meditation or energy healing practices, or incorporate them into their home decor for a peaceful and supportive environment.

Which crystals are best for immune support?

There are many different crystals that are believed to promote immune health and wellness, including clear quartz, amethyst, rose quartz, black tourmaline, and carnelian. Each crystal has its own unique energy and properties, so it’s important to choose one that resonates with you and your specific needs.

How do I care for my crystals?

To keep your crystals working at their best, it’s important to care for them properly. Many people like to cleanse their crystals regularly, using methods such as sunlight, moonlight, or smudging with sage, to remove any negative energy that may have accumulated. You can also charge your crystals by placing them in sunlight or moonlight, or with your own intention and energy.

Can crystals replace medical treatment for immune disorders?

While crystals are believed to offer a wide range of physical and emotional benefits, they are not a substitute for medical treatment or professional advice. Always consult with your healthcare provider before making any changes to your healthcare routine, and use crystals as a complementary form of therapy or support, rather than a primary treatment method.