15 Crystals For Manifesting Your Dreams Into Reality

Crystals have been used for thousands of years to increase energy, promote healing, and bring about a sense of peace. There are many different types of crystals, each with its own unique properties and abilities. 

Crystals can be used for all sorts of things from aiding in meditation to curbing negative emotions. In this post we will discuss the top 15 crystals for manifesting your dreams into reality!

Crystals possess energies that can be used to manifest dreams and goals.
Using crystals can help to align your energy and vibration with your intentions.
Manifestation with crystals involves using the energy of crystals to attract specific desires and goals.
There are several crystals that can be used for manifestation, including clear quartz, citrine, amethyst, and rose quartz.
There are many ways to use crystals for manifestation, including carrying them, using them during meditation, creating crystal grids, or placing them around your home or workspace.
While crystals can be a powerful tool for manifestation, it’s important to remember that you still need to put in the work and take action towards your goals.
To avoid any potential risks or negative effects, it’s important to educate yourself on the proper use and care of crystals.


Citrine is a stone of abundance. Not only does it invoke prosperity, but it also attracts it to you. It’s known as the “merchant’s stone,” because it attracts abundance and prosperity. 

If you are trying to manifest or attract something into your life, citrine will be helpful in getting what you want! Citrine is also great for helping with creative endeavors such as writing, art and music; so if you feel stuck with an idea or project this is a good stone for that too!

Citrine is excellent for healing emotional wounds from the past; especially if they have been holding you back from living your best life right now! 

Citrine has been used by healers throughout history to help people heal their emotional wounds and make peace with their past so they can be happy today!

Citrine works well when placed in pockets or purses because of its high vibration–so if someone sees it while walking down the street they may think twice before breaking into yours (or any other place).

“If you want to enhance your manifestation practices, using crystals could be a powerful tool that can help you tap into your own energy and manifest your desires.”

Clear Quartz

Clear Quartz is a powerful tool for manifesting your dreams into reality. It has a high energy and is used to amplify energies, making it an excellent stone to use when activating any other crystal or gemstone. 

Clear Quartz also helps to clear away negative energies, which can be very useful if you’re working with crystals in the healing process.

Note: You may want to keep a piece of Clear Quartz near you while performing this meditation or creating your vision board as it will help you focus on what you want most out of life.



Malachite is a stone of protection and grounding. It’s a great stone to keep on you during times when you are feeling out of balance, or off center. 

It works very well in restoring your energy system after a long day at work or school, and helps with mental clarity as well. Malachite also has the ability to transform negative energy into positive energy.

Malachite is an excellent crystal for manifesting your dreams into reality because it helps you focus on what you want in life so that you can be prepared when opportunities arise! 

If there’s anything stopping you from reaching your goals right now – whether it be fear, doubt or something else – malachite will help remove those obstacles so that nothing stands between where you’re headed and getting there!

“Tapping into the energy of crystals can be a game-changer when it comes to manifesting success. Discover how to manifest success with crystalline energy and make your dreams a reality.”

Lapis Lazuli

If you’re like most people, the chances are that your life is filled with a lot of noise and distraction. 

This can make it hard to focus on what’s important—you may find yourself forgetting things or getting easily distracted. 

Lapis Lazuli is a stone that helps quiet these distractions and brings clarity into your day-to-day life. When worn, this crystal can help you stay focused on what’s in front of you and keep your mind calm when stress starts to pile up.


Amazonite is a stone of abundance, prosperity, and good fortune. It can help to attract abundance into your life, as well as providing spiritual balance. Amazonite’s calming energy can help you feel relaxed and enjoy life more fully.

Amazonite is also known for its creativity and imagination-enhancing properties; it promotes the expression of one’s own ideas through creative endeavors such as painting, writing poetry or music.

“When it comes to manifestation, crystals can help you to align your energy and vibration with your intentions. Check out our article on crystalline healing for manifestation and empower yourself to create the life you desire.”


Labradorite is a stone of transformation. It can help you to transform your life, and it will help you to see the truth in situations. It is also useful for helping you to make decisions and see the positive in every situation.

Rose Quartz

Rose Quartz is a stone of love and compassion. It is also known as the “Love Stone”, and it is a stone of unconditional love, healing and forgiveness. Rose Quartz is said to be the most important stone for Heart Chakra work.

It helps you heal your inner child so that you can connect with your soulmate in a healthy way. 

Those who are new to this idea might feel like they’re being wooed by their lover’s charm or flattery, but that’s not what true love really feels like at all! Authentic love will feel warm, stable, safe and secure; it won’t make your heart race with anxiety or bring on feelings of possessiveness.

If someone shows up as if they don’t care about anyone else besides themselves—and only want something from another person then it’s probably not going anywhere good!

Rose quartz has been used throughout history as an aid for meditation because its soft pink energy helps calm emotions whilst increasing self-love, compassion for others and connection between people (or even pets!). 

This makes rose quartz perfect for those who suffer from depression because it promotes joy within themselves which then translates into other areas outside their lives too!


Aventurine is a powerful stone for manifestation, particularly when it comes to prosperity and abundance. 

It’s also the stone of creativity, inspiration and imagination—and if you can harness the power of these qualities in your life then you’ll be well on your way towards manifesting what it is that you want.

This green crystal will help you see the bigger picture as well: if there are certain aspects of your life that aren’t working out quite as well as they could be (like finances or relationships), then this crystal can help by showing you how everything fits together so that any problems can be solved more easily than ever before.


Hematite is a grounding stone, and is helpful for those who feel scattered, or are having trouble focusing. 

Hematite helps to balance the male and female energies within us. It is also a stone of compassion. This crystal can help you find love within yourself, and therefore make it easier to give love to others as well.

Hematite has been used in various rituals for strengthening self-discipline or willpower. It also increases mental clarity as well as concentration levels when working with this crystal on an everyday basis over time will allow one’s mind to become sharper than ever before!

“If you want to attract abundance and prosperity, these 10 crystals can help you to tap into these energies and open the door to financial freedom and abundance.”


Garnet is a stone of the root chakra, which is associated with survival and security. It also comes in many different colors, but its most common form is deep red. 

Garnet’s energy can help you feel more grounded during times of change or uncertainty, and it can help you feel more secure in the places where you already are right now.

Garnet is also a stone of the heart chakra, which is associated with joy, love and compassion. If you’re feeling insecure about yourself or your life situation right now then garnet might be a good crystal for you to use!


Pyrite is a stone of abundance, prosperity and good fortune. It can help you to manifest your desires and attract money, love and happiness into your life.

Pyrite can also help you overcome fears and insecurities by helping you see the positive side of any situation. In this way, pyrite can be used as a manifestation tool that will help you achieve all of your goals.

Fire Agate

Fire Agate is a stone of courage and strength. It helps you to face your fears, overcome them and move forward in life with enthusiasm and passion. Fire Agate also gives you the energy to pursue your dreams, so if you’re feeling unmotivated or uninspired, this is the stone for you.

Fire Agate is a stone of protection and helps to overcome fear. It wards off negativity while attracting good luck into your life and by extension, bringing more positivity into your world! 

In addition to its protective properties, Fire Agate can also help attract love into one’s life when worn as jewelry or carried around in pockets or bags where it remains close enough for its energies to be felt at all times.


Obsidian is a stone of protection and grounding. It helps us to stay connected with the Earth, which can help us rid ourselves of negative energy and find peace within ourselves. 

Obsidian also allows us to see the truth in all situations, which can be difficult but ultimately lead to an increase in our personal power and confidence.

Obsidian is said to be a stone of transformation because it absorbs the negative energy around it, then transmutes it into positive energy as we work through whatever issue we’re facing.

Jet Stone

Jet is a black stone with a dark, glossy shine. It’s often used to help with weight loss and smoking cessation, as well as to help you connect with the earth and your body.

Jet can help you become more in tune with your inner self, helping you understand what it is you want out of life. 

Using jet will allow you to get in touch with yourself so that when making decisions, they are all based on what feels right for YOU!

“Are you struggling to achieve your career goals? Discover how crystalline healing can help with career success and prosperity and unlock your full potential in the workplace.”

Jasper Stone and Crystals (all varieties)

Jasper is a stone of transformation and change. This stone has been used to rid the body of toxins, especially those stored in fat cells. Jasper also helps with alleviating pain and soreness.

Jasper is a stone of protection, especially during travel. It can be placed on the traveler’s person or in their luggage as they travel from place to place across land, sea or air. 

Jasper brings courage and strength to those who carry it with them every day as well as determination to see things through even when times get tough!

Jasper is a stone of compassion, tenderness and healing as well! It helps us connect more deeply with ourselves by helping us accept all aspects of ourselves (even ones we might not like very much) because this will ultimately lead us toward healing on many different levels including physical health issues such as back pain issues etc…


The world is full of crystals that can help you manifest your dreams into reality. There are so many different varieties to choose from, and each one has different properties that make it unique and powerful. 

If you want to learn more about this topic or how to get started with using crystals for manifestation, check out our blog post on how crystals work in the world today.

Further Reading

If you’re interested in learning more about crystals for manifestation, check out these helpful resources:

Crystals for Manifesting: A Beginner’s Guide: Mind Body Green offers a beginner’s guide to using crystals for manifestation and how to choose the right stones for your needs.

Crystals for Manifestation: 18 Stones to Create Your Dreams: Tiny Rituals shares a list of 18 stones that can be used for manifestation and how to incorporate them into your daily routine.

Best Crystals & Stones for Manifesting: Revoloon’s guide to the best crystals and stones for manifesting explores the unique properties of each stone and how they can aid in manifestation.


Q: What is manifestation with crystals?

A: Manifestation with crystals involves using the energy of crystals to help you attract specific desires and goals into your life.

Q: Which crystals are best for manifestation?

A: There are several crystals that can be used for manifestation, including clear quartz, citrine, amethyst, and rose quartz, among others.

Q: How do you use crystals for manifestation?

A: There are many ways to use crystals for manifestation, including carrying them with you, using them during meditation, creating crystal grids, or placing them around your home or workspace.

Q: Can you manifest anything with crystals?

A: While crystals can be a powerful tool for manifestation, it’s important to remember that you still need to put in the work and take action towards your goals.

Q: Are there any risks associated with using crystals for manifestation?

A: While crystals are generally considered safe to use, it’s important to educate yourself on the proper use and care of crystals to avoid any potential risks or negative effects.