10 Crystals For Deepening Your Meditation Practice

If you’re ready to deepen your meditation practice, there are a few crystals that can help. The right one for you depends on your intentions and goals, but here are some of my favorites:

Using crystals can enhance your meditation practice by providing a physical object of focus, anchoring the mind and helping to center and calm the body.
The choice of crystal will depend on the individual’s personal preference and desired outcome, but popular crystals for meditation practice include Amethyst, Clear Quartz, Selenite, Black Tourmaline, and many more.
Incorporating crystals into meditation practice can involve holding a crystal, wearing it as jewelry, placing it on your meditation pillow, or holding it to your forehead during a specific meditation practice.
The colors of crystals are attributed to specific properties and meaning, and can aid in enhancing a particular aspect of meditation practice.
There is no set frequency for using crystals in meditation practice, and it ultimately comes down to personal preference and what works best for your individual practice.


Carnelian is a stone of motivation and energy. It will help you to stay focused on the task at hand, whether that’s work or just getting started on a DIY project. Carnelian is also a stone of courage, helping you to face your fears and move forward despite them.

Carnelian helps you release old patterns and habits that no longer serve you, so it’s good for both business people looking for new ways to make money and anyone who wants to improve their relationships with other people (especially romantic partners).

“Combining the power of these top 15 crystals for anxiety relief with the 10 crystals suggested in our article on deepening your meditation practice can help you achieve a deeper state of meditation while addressing your anxiety in a holistic way.”


Amethyst is a violet variety of quartz, and it is the most common quartz found in Brazil. Amethyst can be found in many other places around the world. It is used for meditation, but it’s also used for healing purposes.

Guided Crystal Healing Meditation – How to Meditate with Crystals


Kyanite is a great crystal to have in your collection. It is a powerful stone that can help you focus and concentrate, and it is excellent for centering as well.

Kyanite is also good for clearing the energy of the body and mind, so if you are feeling scattered or confused, this crystal may be able to help you clear that up.


Malachite is a stone of transformation and change. It helps turn our feelings of fear into feelings of courage. Malachite is a stone of the heart chakra, allowing one to be more open to love. 

The energy of this stone brings clarity and focus on your meditative goals, as well as allowing you to move through intense emotions without losing your cool or getting stuck in them.


Ametrine is a rare form of quartz that’s a combination of amethyst and citrine. It’s believed to help balance yin and yang energy, which makes it ideal for meditation practice since the two can be so easily imbalanced. 

Ametrine works with the crown and third eye chakras, helping to bring energy up from the base of your spine into those higher centers in order to access higher states of consciousness. 

It also helps you remain grounded when working with astral travel or lucid dreaming, so if you’re feeling a little lost on your journey into other realms, this crystal can lend some much needed grounding by bringing down some of that high energy into your body as well!

“In this personal account of crystalline healing for stress and anxiety, I share how these powerful crystals helped me find the balance and inner peace I needed to overcome my anxiety. Use this as a personal anecdote to support the benefits of the 10 crystals suggested in our guide on deepening your meditation practice.”

Clear quartz crystal

You can use clear quartz crystal for meditation to help you connect with your higher self, focus on your goals and connect with spirit guides.

Clear quartz crystal is a powerful healing stone that will assist you in clearing away negative energy and attracting positive energy into your life. It is also known as the “master healer” because of its ability to purify and amplify energy.

While meditating with clear quartz crystals can be beneficial for anyone who wants to relax or find clarity in their thoughts, this stone has several additional benefits that make it an ideal choice for meditation practitioners:

It helps those who are interested in developing psychic abilities because it has been shown to improve the clarity of one’s inner voice (the voice we listen inside our heads when asking questions) so that messages from beyond can be heard more clearly.

It helps those who are seeking spiritual guidance because it provides insight into past lives when used as an aid during meditation sessions

Lapis Lazuli

Lapis Lazuli is a deep blue stone that’s associated with the throat chakra and is said to bring balance between your intellect and intuition. It helps you speak your truth, so that others can hear it as well. 

It helps you release old wounds and trauma, helping you to move forward in your life without carrying around unnecessary emotional baggage.

Lapis Lazuli also helps you connect with your inner wisdom during meditation. When we meditate, we’re often focused on calming our minds so we can clear away any distractions or thoughts in order to focus on our breath or mantra—and this crystal will help you do just that!

“Take control of your stress and find true inner calm through the power of crystalline healing. Combine this practice with the 10 crystals suggested in our article on deepening your meditation practice for a holistic approach to reducing stress and achieving an optimal state of peace.”


Fluorite is a stone of clarity that helps remove energy blockages and increase the flow of energy throughout the body. 

This makes it great for meditation, as it can help you focus on your breath and concentration. It’s also excellent for removing any lingering negativity or stress from your life, which can help improve sleep quality.

Green Jade

Green Jade is a stone that helps you to see the positive side of things, so that you can search for opportunities rather than problems. It’s also known as a stone of inner peace and tranquility – use it to help you relax before meditation or yoga practice.

Green Jade has been used since ancient times to help with creativity, balance, and well-being. Some people believe that Green Jade helps us better understand ourselves by helping us find common ground between our own needs and those of others.

“A healthy and lasting relationship involves addressing specific issues such as codependency. When it comes to using crystals, understanding their power to address such issues is key. Read our guide on using crystalline healing to overcome codependency in relationships for a deeper understanding of how to combine crystals and meditation to improve the dynamics of your relationships.”


Turquoise is a stone of the heart, and it has been used to open communication between people. It can help you to speak your truth, even when it’s difficult. Turquoise can also be used as an amulet for protection against negative energy and psychic attacks.

The blue-green color of Turquoise relates to both air and water, which makes this crystal a powerful tool for shifting consciousness in both directions: outwards (towards the world around us) or inwards (towards our inner world). 

This makes Turquoise an excellent choice for meditation practice because it supports our ability to move from a place of fear into one where we feel safe enough to face our fears head-on—and then move beyond them once those feelings have been acknowledged and understood.

In addition to these qualities that make Turquoise such an effective protective stone during times of stress or trauma, this crystal also promotes wisdom by helping you let go of old patterns that no longer serve your highest good; they are replaced with new ones that do! 

This crystal is also known as “Stone of Abundance” because its positive energy attracts new opportunities that lead us towards prosperity and abundance!

“Manifesting your desires can be a powerful and life-changing experience with the help of crystal energy. Embrace this practice while deepening your meditation with the 10 crystals suggested in our guide on deepening your meditation practice for a complete and holistic approach to manifesting abundance and prosperity.”


If you’re looking to deepen your meditation practice, crystals are a great place to start. They can help you connect with your intuition and find new ways of approaching difficult emotions. 

By incorporating them into your spiritual practice, you will be able to enhance the effects of meditation and other self-care activities. 

And don’t forget: just because these crystals have been used for thousands of years doesn’t mean they can’t work for you today!

Further Reading

Enhance Your Meditation Practice with Crystals – Learn about how to use crystals to enhance your meditation practice and connect to your inner self.

Meditation Crystals: The Top 10 You Need to Boost Your Practice – This comprehensive guide will teach you all about the ten crystals you need to take your meditation practice to the next level.

How to Meditate with Crystals – This article offers step-by-step guidance on how to use crystals to deepen your meditation practice.


How do crystals enhance meditation practice?

Crystals can enhance meditation practice by providing a physical object of focus, anchoring the mind and helping to center and calm the body. Depending on the specific crystal and its properties, it can promote various benefits such as relaxation, stress relief, and spiritual connection.

Which are the best crystals for meditation practice?

There are a variety of crystals that can enhance meditation practice, including Amethyst, Clear Quartz, Selenite, Black Tourmaline, and many more. The choice of crystal will depend on the individual’s personal preference and desired outcome.

How do you incorporate crystals into meditation practice?

There are multiple ways to incorporate crystals into meditation practice, such as holding a crystal in your hand or wearing it as jewelry, placing it on your meditation pillow or area, or holding it to your forehead during a specific meditation practice.

What is the significance of crystal colors in meditation practice?

The colors of crystals are attributed to specific properties and meaning. Each color is thought to represent specific energies and vibrations that can aid in enhancing a particular aspect of meditation practice. For example, the color blue is associated with serenity and calmness.

How often should you use crystals in meditation practice?

There is no set frequency for using crystals in meditation practice. Some practitioners may choose to use crystals every time they meditate, while others may use them only for specific intentions or situations. Ultimately, it is up to personal preference and what works best for your individual practice.