Why Do People Believe Crystals Have Healing Powers?

Crystals have been used for healing purposes for centuries, with beliefs in their efficacy tracing back to ancient civilizations. However, in modern times, crystal healing has been met with skepticism, with scientific studies failing to support its effectiveness. 

Despite this, many people still believe in the healing powers of crystals. This blog post aims to explore the reasons behind this belief, the science behind crystal healing, and whether it actually works.

Crystals have been used for healing purposes for centuries, with many people believing in their efficacy despite a lack of scientific evidence.
Energy healing and vibrational frequencies are two theories behind how crystal healing works.
Popular healing crystals include Amethyst, Clear Quartz, Rose Quartz, Black Tourmaline, and Citrine.
The placebo effect and intention may play a role in the perceived effectiveness of crystal healing.
While scientific studies have not supported crystal healing, personal experiences and anecdotes can influence belief in its effectiveness.

What are Crystals?

Crystals are naturally occurring mineral formations with a repeating internal structure. They are formed when atoms come together in a specific pattern, creating a solid structure with distinct physical properties. 

Crystals come in various shapes, sizes, and colors and are used in a variety of applications, including jewelry, technology, and medicine.

How Healing Crystals Became a Cultural Phenomenon

Brief History of Crystal Healing

The use of crystals for healing purposes can be traced back to ancient civilizations, including the Greeks, Romans, and Egyptians. In these cultures, crystals were believed to have magical and healing properties and were used in a variety of rituals and ceremonies. The Chinese also incorporated crystals into their medicine, with the use of jade and other stones in acupuncture and massage.

In modern times, crystal healing gained popularity in the 1970s and 1980s, with the New Age movement promoting alternative healing practices. Today, crystal healing is still widely practiced, with many people believing in its efficacy.

If you’re interested in the science behind how crystals work, check out our article on the science behind crystalline healing for stress relief. You’ll discover the scientific explanations for how crystals can help you feel relaxed and reduce your stress levels.

How Does Crystal Healing Work?

The effectiveness of crystal healing is based on two theories: energy healing and vibrational frequencies.

Energy Healing

Energy healing is based on the concept that all living things have an energy field or aura surrounding them. This energy field can become imbalanced or blocked, leading to physical, emotional, and mental illness. Proponents of crystal healing believe that specific crystals have the ability to restore balance to the energy field, promoting healing and well-being.

Vibrational Frequencies

The theory of vibrational frequencies suggests that everything in the universe vibrates at a specific frequency, including crystals. Each crystal is believed to have a unique vibration that can interact with the vibrations of the human body, promoting healing and balance.

Popular Healing Crystals

There are numerous types of crystals used in healing practices, each with its own unique properties and benefits. Here are some of the most popular healing crystals and their associated uses.


Amethyst is a purple quartz crystal that is believed to promote relaxation and stress relief. It is also said to help with anxiety, insomnia, and addictive behaviors.

Are you looking for a way to reduce your stress and promote well-being? Check out our article on the role of crystals in reducing stress and promoting well-being to learn about how different crystals can support you in finding inner peace and calm.

Clear Quartz

Clear Quartz is a versatile crystal that is believed to amplify energy, promote clarity and focus, and boost the immune system. It is also often used in meditation practices.

Rose Quartz

Rose Quartz is a pink crystal that is associated with love and emotional healing. It is believed to promote self-love, compassion, and forgiveness, and to help heal emotional wounds.

Black Tourmaline

Black Tourmaline is a powerful grounding crystal that is believed to protect against negative energy, electromagnetic radiation, and psychic attacks. It is also said to help with anxiety and depression.


Citrine is a yellow or golden-brown crystal that is believed to promote positivity, abundance, and self-confidence. It is often used to attract wealth and success, as well as to enhance creativity and mental clarity.

Whether you’re a seasoned spiritual seeker or just getting started, our article on how crystals can support your spiritual journey has something for everybody. Discover how crystals can help you connect to your higher self and deepen your spiritual practice.

The Placebo Effect

One theory behind why people believe in the healing powers of crystals is the placebo effect. The placebo effect is a phenomenon in which a person’s belief in a treatment or therapy can lead to a perceived improvement in their symptoms, even if the treatment is not actually effective.

While the placebo effect may play a role in the perceived effectiveness of crystal healing, it is important to note that this does not necessarily mean that crystal healing is not effective for some people.

The Importance of Intention

Another factor that may influence the perceived effectiveness of crystal healing is the importance of intention. Many people believe that in order for crystals to work, they must be used with a specific intention or goal in mind. 

This may involve setting an intention before using a crystal or placing it in a specific location to promote a particular outcome.

Rose quartz is widely known for its healing properties for emotional trauma. If you’re interested in learning more about how this powerful crystal can support your emotional healing, check out our guide on the healing properties of rose quartz for more information.

Personal Experiences and Anecdotes

Despite the lack of scientific evidence supporting the effectiveness of crystal healing, many people still believe in its healing powers based on personal experiences and anecdotes. Some people report feeling more relaxed, energized, or focused after using crystals, while others report physical improvements in their health.

While personal experiences and anecdotes may not be scientifically rigorous, they can still be powerful influences on belief and behavior.

Scientific Studies on Crystal Healing

Despite the widespread belief in the healing powers of crystals, scientific studies have not found strong evidence to support their efficacy. Some studies have suggested that any perceived benefits may be due to the placebo effect, while others have found no significant difference between the effects of crystals and a placebo.

While the lack of scientific evidence does not necessarily mean that crystal healing is not effective for some people, it does highlight the need for more rigorous research to better understand the potential benefits and limitations of this practice.

Criticism and Skepticism

Crystal healing has faced criticism and skepticism from some individuals and organizations, particularly in the scientific and medical communities. Skeptics argue that there is no scientific basis for the healing powers of crystals and that any perceived benefits are likely due to the placebo effect or other non-specific factors.

While skepticism and criticism can be important in promoting scientific rigor and evidence-based practices, it is also important to acknowledge the personal experiences and beliefs of individuals who may find value in crystal healing.


Crystals have been used for healing purposes for centuries, with many people believing in their efficacy despite a lack of scientific evidence. Theories behind how crystal healing works include energy healing and vibrational frequencies, and popular healing crystals include Amethyst, Clear Quartz, Rose Quartz, Black Tourmaline, and Citrine. 

The placebo effect and intention may play a role in the perceived effectiveness of crystal healing, while personal experiences and anecdotes can influence belief in its efficacy. While the lack of scientific evidence does not necessarily mean that crystal healing is not effective for some people, more rigorous research is needed to better understand its potential benefits and limitations.

Skepticism and criticism can be important in promoting scientific rigor and evidence-based practices, but it is also important to acknowledge the personal experiences and beliefs of individuals who may find value in crystal healing. Whether or not one believes in the healing powers of crystals, it is clear that they have played an important role in the history and culture of many civilizations and continue to be a source of fascination and inspiration for many people today.

If you’ve ever wondered why some people consider crystal healing to be “evil,” you’re not alone. Check out our article on why healing with crystals is considered evil by some to learn about the different perspectives on crystal healing and decide what feels right for you.


What are the healing properties of crystals?

Crystals are believed to have various healing properties, depending on their type and color. For example, Amethyst is said to promote relaxation and stress relief, while Rose Quartz is associated with love and emotional healing. Clear Quartz is believed to promote clarity and focus, and Black Tourmaline is used for grounding and protection.

How do crystals work for healing?

Theories behind how crystals work for healing include energy healing and vibrational frequencies. Energy healing is based on the concept that all living things have an energy field or aura surrounding them, and specific crystals can restore balance to the energy field, promoting healing and well-being. 

Vibrational frequencies suggest that crystals have a unique vibration that can interact with the vibrations of the human body, promoting healing and balance.

Is there scientific evidence to support crystal healing?

Scientific studies on crystal healing have not found strong evidence to support its efficacy. Some studies have suggested that any perceived benefits may be due to the placebo effect, while others have found no significant difference between the effects of crystals and a placebo. However, personal experiences and anecdotes may still influence belief in its effectiveness.

Can anyone use crystals for healing?

Anyone can use crystals for healing, but it is important to note that crystal healing should not replace medical treatment or advice. It is always important to consult with a healthcare provider before using any new therapies or supplements.

Where can I buy healing crystals?

Healing crystals can be purchased at many health food stores, metaphysical shops, and online retailers. It is important to buy from a reputable source and to do research on the properties and uses of different crystals before purchasing.